MBA is one of the most popular and professional post-graduate programmes in India and abroad. The two-year programme is a gateway to a plethora of job opportunities in the corporate world. A manager is expected to lead a team of professionals hence the most important skills for a successful manager are good communication and leadership qualities.
Center for Employability Enhancement (CEE) of Sacred Heart Institute of Management Studies (SHIMS) had organized four days of residential programme for the I MBA students from 26.02.2021 – 01.03.2021.It was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. John Alexander, SDB, Rector & Secretary, SHC. Rev. Dr. D. Maria Antony Raj, SDB, Principal, SHC, Rev. Fr. J. Andrews Raja, SDB Director, Vazhikatti, SHC, Rev. Fr. Angelo Jospeh, SDB, Director of Center for Employability Enhancement – SHIMS, Dr. S. Sasi Kumar, Head of the Department, SHIMS, Mr. Maria Antony Juderaj -HR- Learning & Development, ELGi and the faculty fraternity of SHIMS, graced this auspicious occasion.
Rev. Dr. John Alexander in his felicitation spoke on the need for being updated to face the challenges of the business world and chiseling out the MBA young graduates to be the budding managers of tomorrow. Rev. Dr. D. Maria Antony Raj, SDB, Principal urged the young graduates to make use of this magnificent opportunity to be industry ready. Further he expressed his desire to see his brain child (SHIMS) to be the benchmark of SHC in the near future with the state –of – the – art amenities for better learning.
This programme was meticulously planned, designed and executed by Rev. Fr. Angelo Joseph, SDB, Director, CEE-SHIMS together with his team members Prof. G. Lawrence , the programme coordinator& Prof. R. Alexander, the event organizer. The resource persons were invited based on their expertise i.e. Days 1 & 2 – “Journey towards Excellence” by Mr. Maria Antony Juderaj–HR-Learning & Development, ELGi. Day 3 – “Negotiation Skills” by Rev. Fr. Angelo Joseph, SDB, Director of CEE, SHIMS. The session on “New Product Development” was rendered by Dr. J. Sasiganth, Prof. R. Alexander & Dr. R. Arockia Mary.
On day 4 “Believing in Self through the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Prof. G. Lawrence, The Corporate Trainer, SHIMS and “Creativity & Innovation in Business” by Dr. S. Sasi Kumar, Head of the Department, SHIMS were offered. The students were taken through the experiential learning mode using Revised BloomTaxonomy for Teaching, Learning and Assessment following the three domains: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor during their stay in the campus.