Greetings from Don Bosco Higher Education India (DBHEI)

As per the statutes of DBHEI which were officially approved by SPCSA in 2016, Article No. 9 is about Membership Fees which states that “Each member institution shall pay an annual registration fee depending on the number of students in the institution” as per the guidelines given below:

  • Rs 5,000 for Institutions with a student strength of 500 and below
  • Rs 7,500 for institutions with students’ strength from 501 to 1000
  • Rs 10,000 for institutions with students’ strength from 1001 to 1500
  • Rs 12,500 for institutions with students’ strength above 1500

Please find below the account details of DBHEI for remitting the amount

Account Name: All India Don Bosco Education Society (DBHEI)
A/C Number: 0398053000015520
Account Type: Savings
Bank: The South Indian Bank LTD.
Branch/Place: Dwarka, Sector 10, New Delhi
Branch Code: 0398
IFSC Code: SIBL0000398