The main objectives of the award are:
- Sensitise teachers about the potential of innovative practices and experiments for improvement of teaching-learning;
- Encourage teachers and teacher educators to try out innovative ideas and practices for improvement of teaching, learning and evaluation using modern pedagogies and ICT;
- Encourage teachers to identify problems they face in their teaching learning process and adopt a realistic approach to find their solutions;
- Create an environment in our institutions to ensure sustainability of innovation
- Provide a forum to teachers to share their innovative ideas with all stakeholders.
What is innovation?
Innovation is typically understood as the introduction of something new and useful, for example, introducing new strategies or modified methods, techniques, practices, products and services.
The definitions of innovation include:
- Process of making improvements by introducing something new;
- Process of implementing new ideas for improvement of teaching learning process;
- An idea, strategy, method or device;
- Changes that create a new dimension of performance in any aspect of teaching learning; and
- A creative idea that is realized through the use of alternative strategies or techniques.
- Capabilities of realising a desired change continuously in order to sustain it over a period of time.
Teachers can undertake innovations or conduct experiments on any aspect of their work related to teaching – learning, training in order to enhance efficiency of the institution to overcome problems and difficulties they face in day to day functioning. A few suggested examples are given below:
- Devise a new approach/instructional strategy in any subject area;
- Prepare and use innovative teaching-learning materials including ICT;
- Identification and mobilization /use of resources drawn from the local community/ environment for improvement of teaching-learning;
- Develop local specific curricular materials for teaching-learning;
- Develop innovative strategies for classroom management leading to an improvement in the organizational climate or better use of available resources in the class or school;
- Management of interpersonal relationships;
- Assessment of learning outcomes of students;
- Evolve strategies for inculcation of Peace and other human values;
- Devise strategies for educating differently-abled children;
- Study learning styles of children/student – teachers / teacher educators; and
- Sensitizing and empowering disadvantaged groups.
Certificates + Cash Prize
First Prize = Rs 20,000; Second Prize = Rs 15, 000, Third Prize = Rs 10,000
Appreciation Prizes = 5 x Rs 2000 = Rs 10000
Teachers shall submit project proposals in a prescribed format to the Principal who will upload it in DBHEI Portal latest by 31st September every year.
The project proposal will be evaluated at the first stage by two experts independently to determine the merit of the proposal. The project proposals considered to be innovative are forwarded to the Coordinator of Award Committee. Project proposals received by the Award Committee are evaluated by the committee members using Delphi technique based on the given criteria.
The teachers whose project proposals are selected shall be informed to implement the project and submit the report along with a summary before the suggested last date.
- Nomination Form; Personal Details, Professional Details
- Photo Upload
- Institutional recommendation