Walking and working for the environment

The first-year students of the departments of Computer Application and Physical Education in collaboration with the Eco Club of Don Bosco College, Panjim, and Goenkar Sangathi, a youth-based organisation, organised an Eco walk and clean-up drive in Campal on 27th February 2021.

Through the eco walk, the students highlighted areas which need attention like the St. Inez Creek and the restored areas in Campal. The walk ended with everyone getting their hands dirty to clean up the garbage that is regularly thrown on this stretch. Several bags of garbage were collected by all the participants and volunteers.

Goenkar Sangathi provided the resources like bin bags and gloves as well as guided the participants on segregation and collection of the garbage. The entire programme was successfully organised and well attended.


Department of Electronics, Donbosco college,mannuthy is organizing an International webinar on “NEW TRENDS AND SCOPE OF ELECTRONICS” for students Date: Wednesday,10th March 2021 Time: 09.00 am to 10.00 am Resource person: Dr.RINU ABRAHAM,POST DOCTORAL
RESEARCH FELLOW,Dept. Of material science and Engineering,Pennsylvania state university,United states.

Report of Webinar organized by IIC titled ‘Business Model and Canvas (BMC)’: Mr Venugopal TR

Institution innovation council (IIC) of Don Bosco College of Engineering organized a one-day webinar on March 01, 2021, titled ‘Business Model and Canvas (BMC)’ in association with FiiRE (Forum for Innovation Incubation Research & Entrepreneurship). It was well-received by more than 100 participants of various colleges. Prof. Suraj Marathe started the session with a warm welcome to all the attendees, he introduced the DBCE IIC, and gave an overview of its function & activities. He then introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Venugopal TR, Incubation Manager – FiiRE.

The session was quite interactive. He started the session by stating the nine-block business model – Customer Segments, Value proposition, Channels, Customer relationship, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Partners and Cost Structure. BMC is a strategic tool that helps to achieve business goals in a systematic approach. Mr. Venugopal explained the functions and tools used in each block with practical examples. He also enlightened the atendees on the opportunities and challenges that the BMC model has created. He further encouraged all to follow their dreams of building their own start-ups with a systematic approach.

The session ended with a Q&A session, allowing the participants to clarify their doubts about the BMC model. Student coordinator Ms. Benecia Colaço proposed the vote of thanks.

Webinar on – ‘Choosing Your Next University

The Training and Placement Cell of Don Bosco College of Engineering arranged a webinar on Choosing Your Next University for Second, Third & Final year students of all branches. The talk was organized on Saturday, February 27, 2021 on Google Meet.

The talk was delivered by Ms. Mohita Chowdhury an Electronics & Communication engineer graduate from NITK – Surathkal and Masters in Computer Science graduate from Oxford University. She is currently working as AI researcher at a healthcare startup in UK.

The speaker explained how to prepare for the exams and provided details of applying for GRE, TOEFL etc. She then explained about how to choose universities and apply for them. She compared various aspects like research and jobs abroad , also details of various universities across different continents. The students asked many interesting questions which were answered in detail by the speaker. She encouraged students to do an extensive research about universities and list down few before appearing for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS exams. The webinar concluded by Dr. Shreyas Simu thanking the speaker for her valuable time and inputs.

Innovative Practices for Placement Push

MBA is one of the most popular and professional post-graduate programmes in India and abroad. The two-year programme is a gateway to a plethora of job opportunities in the corporate world. A manager is expected to lead a team of professionals hence the most important skills for a successful manager are good communication and leadership qualities.

Center for Employability Enhancement (CEE) of Sacred Heart Institute of Management Studies (SHIMS) had organized four days of residential programme for the I MBA students from 26.02.2021 – 01.03.2021.It was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. John Alexander, SDB, Rector & Secretary, SHC. Rev. Dr. D. Maria Antony Raj, SDB, Principal, SHC, Rev. Fr. J. Andrews Raja, SDB Director, Vazhikatti, SHC, Rev. Fr. Angelo Jospeh, SDB, Director of Center for Employability Enhancement – SHIMS, Dr. S. Sasi Kumar, Head of the Department, SHIMS, Mr. Maria Antony Juderaj -HR- Learning & Development, ELGi and the faculty fraternity of SHIMS, graced this auspicious occasion.

Rev. Dr. John Alexander in his felicitation spoke on the need for being updated to face the challenges of the business world and chiseling out the MBA young graduates to be the budding managers of tomorrow. Rev. Dr. D. Maria Antony Raj, SDB, Principal urged the young graduates to make use of this magnificent opportunity to be industry ready. Further he expressed his desire to see his brain child (SHIMS) to be the benchmark of SHC in the near future with the state –of – the – art amenities for better learning.

This programme was meticulously planned, designed and executed by Rev. Fr. Angelo Joseph, SDB, Director, CEE-SHIMS together with his team members Prof. G. Lawrence , the programme coordinator& Prof. R. Alexander, the event organizer. The resource persons were invited based on their expertise i.e. Days 1 & 2 – “Journey towards Excellence” by Mr. Maria Antony Juderaj–HR-Learning & Development, ELGi. Day 3 – “Negotiation Skills” by Rev. Fr. Angelo Joseph, SDB, Director of CEE, SHIMS. The session on “New Product Development” was rendered by Dr. J. Sasiganth, Prof. R. Alexander & Dr. R. Arockia Mary.
On day 4 “Believing in Self through the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Prof. G. Lawrence, The Corporate Trainer, SHIMS and “Creativity & Innovation in Business” by Dr. S. Sasi Kumar, Head of the Department, SHIMS were offered. The students were taken through the experiential learning mode using Revised BloomTaxonomy for Teaching, Learning and Assessment following the three domains: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor during their stay in the campus.

Sci-Minds web Series: Webinar on Mathematical Modeling and Number Theory – Don Bosco College of Engineering

On the birth anniversary of the Indian mathematical genius Shrinivas Ramanujan, Dept of Science and Humanities of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda in association with R & D cell organized its first Sci-Minds web series on Mathematical Modeling and Number Theory on December 22, 2020 at 10am to 1pm using Google meet and live you tube link.

Prof. Vaishali Parakhi welcomed the participants and Dr. Kala Nayak shared her views on the webinar.

The speakers of the event were :

  • Dr.Venugopal,Professor of Mathematics in Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence, Kalburagi, Karnataka.
  • Dr Himadri Mukherjee , Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Goa Campus.
  • Dr.T.Venugopal spoke about how a real life problems can be solved by using Mathematical Modeling. He gave the participants various examples like: algebraic modeling, Decision problems, Transportation problem etc. He also spoke about Graph coloring and Mathematical optimization. He explained modeling and optimization problems in operation research with Microsoft Exel and solver.

    Dr Himadri Mukherjee spoke about continued fractions (Ramanujan’s stairway to infinity) He discussed an interesting puzzle and its solution with the participants. He also shared some anecdotes of Shrinivas Ramanujan.

    The India of My Dreams

    QUICK BITE – India of my dreams, a winning entry essay on ‘My Ideal India’ by Christopher D’Souza, organized by the Life Skills Committee in association with the Literary Committee In light of Gandhi Jayanti

    Leo Tolstoy once said, Everyone thinks of changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing himself. He stands true to his word, because if you take a look at today’s people, politics, education and finance, you’ll really be lost in thought about how messed up the world has come to be. Not just the world, if we take a look at our own country we will be really taken aback. If we picture our country as a plant, we will come to the realization that it does need a great deal of healing and nurturing. Its roots are damaged, its leaves are withered and its branches are almost broken into a thousand pieces. India, for long, has been termed as a Developing country, and heaven knows for how long it will continue to be called so. So, what exactly is keeping India back and what can we, as human beings and citizens of the country, do to save our Motherland? Let us take a closer look at some of the changes we can bring about, as a family, to our country.


    India is a country with a lot of people and a vast diversity. But a vast diversity also means a vast variety of problems among people. The first one of them, in my opinion, would be to improve the educational infrastructure of every state. In my past elementary school, I can distinctly remember how the computer lab had 13 computers, out of which only 3 worked. My classmates would always have to be selected 3 at a time, just to practice for the Computer Education lectures. It took around 3 weeks for the entire class of 36 to finally finish one chapter practically. Another really bad example of its infrastructure would be the teaching methods used. Most teachers would just ramble on, force feed the students with notes and in the end, make them throw it all up on the tests. That’s not education; that’s bulimia.

    There are many other examples of how the school lacked in supplying adequate drinking water facilities, toilet sanitation and much more. Looking back, most of what I can remember is how the infrastructure lacked on so many levels and could do better. Dyllan McGee rightly stated, I believe in change. I believe in the power it has to unite us and ignite us and I agree with him. I do feel that a change in India’s education system can be brought about, but it will only be possible if we each take initiatives by ourselves and deal with it together. The education system of India, for India to take its first leap towards development, should be greatly improved in every state, town and locality. That’s how an ideal education would constitute to an ideal India, according to me.

    Distribution of Kitchenware to Unaided Teaching Staff – Gift in Honour of Rev. Dr. K.A. Maria Arokiaraj, the Silver Jubilarian

    Ramon Magasaysay Mr. Kulandai Francis, Founder and President, IVDP, Krishnagiri as token of felicitation and gratitude to Rev. Dr. K.A. Maria Arokiaraj, Additional Principal offered Kitchenware to 133 unaided teaching staff on 24th February 2021. Rev. Dr. K.A. Maria Arokiaraj celebrates 25 years of his priestly ordination this year. Rev. Dr. John Alexander, the Rector and Secretary, Rev. Dr. D. Maria Antony Raj, the Principal and Rev. Fr. S. Henry Daniel Ambrose, Director, Extension Education and Services, were the other dignitaries who graced the occasion along with the Silver Jubilarian. Mr. Kulandai Francis, a humanist and philanthropist appealed to the staff to empathize with the needy. The staff were quiet pleased with this noble gesture besides expressing gratefulness to the donor and the management.

    Love yourself first

    I don’t know if it’s called self love
    when you smile, peering through your red swollen eyes
    in the mirror after a long breakdown
    telling yourself you’ve been strong
    and it’s okay to let your fragility take over for a while;
    For me, this is acceptance.

    Accepting that it’s illogical to put up with happiness every time,
    that you hit your lows with full speed and you scatter
    when you can’t bear pain
    and it’s fine to be in pieces
    because being whole is just too much for you lately
    so you break down.
    Accepting that tears are a form of care,
    and you should scatter once in a while to trash your thoughts off
    because being strong every time with a happy face is so hoax.
    And obsessing over mental peace is something you should pledge on,
    for yourself.

    How can one love their body when it’s so stained
    that every scar refreshes the hurt it has, everytime you look at it.
    Or that webbing mind which spins a million thoughts at a time
    and it’s hard to love oneself when you’ve spent night after night
    cutting your flesh because it’s a pound extra to fit into that perfect dress.

    Love doesn’t happen in a day, for others or even for yourself.
    You plant love within you, for yourself to bloom.
    You affirm, manifesting your worth.
    You breathe, when temper shortens.
    You take hold, when you slip through.
    You smile genuine, to never mask on.
    You cry often, to trash thoughts.
    You unlearn, what doesn’t serve you to grow.
    You allow, when someone tries to help you bloom.
    You believe, in what you can possess.
    You deserve, beyond what your anxiety tells you.
    You live, outside the four walls.
    You make mistakes because that’s very human of you.
    But most importantly,
    You glow even in the dark
    because you have shine within you.
    You need not stop to search for light,
    You have it within in abundance.
    So stop reaching for the light at the end of the tunnel
    because you are the source of what makes you bright.