Nation’s Progress in the Constitutional way

The two days conference began with the arrival of the participants on 29th November at the venue.

The Inaugural session began at 9.10am on 30th November with Fr Maria Charles, Vice President presiding over. The session was compeered by the students of IDA course, Dimapur. It began with a welcome dance by students. The lighting of the lamp was done by the dignitaries. The presence of the IUS General Coordinator, Rev. Fr Marcelo Farfan was indeed very encouraging. The welcome address was given by Fr Jose Kuruvachira, Provincial of Dimapur. He gave some information about the Province, then welcomed everyone to the Province and wished the meeting to be very useful to all. As a sign of welcome, a Naga Muffler was put on the dignitaries.

Fr Maria Soosai , the secretary, gave an introductory speech. Fr Marcelo spoke on the various IUS programmes at the Continental levels and of the need to work along with the IUS. Fr Maria Charles spoke on the status of Higher Education in the country and the possible collaboration the DBHEI institutions could have with the DBYA- SA. At the end of the inaugural session Fr Jose George, the Provincial delegate of the Dimapur Province proposed the vote of thanks.

After a tea break, the first session was held, in which the invited speakers Ms. G A Bidyalakshmi Devi, Asst. Prof. of DBC Maram College spoke on the theme of: The Historical steps involved in the writing of the Indian Constitution. She spoke of the various processes involved in the writing of the Constitution. After one or two clarifications, the second speaker Dr Salikyu Sangtam, Asst. Prof. of Political Psychology, St Joseph University, Dimapur, spoke on the Structure of the Indian Constitution. Fr Joy Ullattil, executive member and higher education delegate of INK Province coordinated this session.

The afternoon session began at 2.30 pm with two presentations by Fr Casimir Motcham, Rector and Delegate of the Trichy Province on the theme: The role of youth in Nation building. He spoke on the Youth policy of India- 2014, and it was a very resourceful paper from where the participants could take many ideas to implement. The third resource person was Mr Jojo Mathew, Chief executive- ALS- New Delhi, and he spoke on the topic: Minority rights enshrined in the Constitution. Fr Innocent Suresh, Principal of Kohima, Don Bosco College coordinated the session

The morning sessions were re-organized due to the funeral of Fr Fr P L Joseph of Dimapur Province There were a few presentations by Fr Jose Palely on the theme of: What is the sixth schedule of the Indian Constitution: its purpose and prospects as applied in Assam? Fr Maria Charles on the theme of: Nation Building with Young People and Fr Thaddeus, on the theme of: The Palmyra Evolution: Strategies for Fitness, growth and Excellence of DBHEI Institutions.

28th January, 2019 Fr A Maria Soosai, Secretary, DBHEI

Glimpse of Annual Conference & General Body Meeting 2021 Siloam, Barapani, 12-13 November 2021Meghalaya

1.  Programmes by DBHEI Network

DBHEI’s action plan for 2021-2022 focused towards three core areas. Such as Strengthen The Identity Of Salesian Higher Education Mission, Strengthen DBHEI Network and Formation Of New Directors, Principals And Vice Principals And Other Office-Bearers.

DBHEI’s executive body met regularly and took up different action items to support the salesian higher education mission. The annual plan for 2021-2022 insisted provinces to have exclusive higher education directory. Provinces were encouraged and Higher Education Directory of Chennai province (INM) was set as a point of reference for other provinces. Focusing the same objective, various FDPs, short term, long term and online courses are being conducted at DBHEIs.

An exclusive FDP on research paper writing was conducted in October 2021. In this event, 400+ faculty across DBHEIs in India participated and benefited. The process of revamping the course on Cooperative Learning and Education Technology the Salesian Way has been initiated during 2020-2021. The course is now being implemented as pilot study in the Don Bosco College (Co-Ed), Yelagiri Hills with 15+ faculty members.

Strengthen DBHEI Network objective given importance through Input Sessions on NEP 2020 & Higher Education Reforms, encouraging IDPs in DBHEIs. Prof David Syiemlieh, Former Vice Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, Former Chairman:UPSC, took a session on “Implementation of NEP 2020: Dynamics and  Our Response” for principals, HEIs incharges during the Annual conference at Shillong.

Collaboration with the Job Placement Network of SPCSA was realized during the 2021-2022 tenure. Don Bosco Keela Eral, Don Bosco Hydrabad, Don Bosco College Itanagar and Don Bosco College (Co-Ed) – Yelagiri Hills were the institutions that initiated the TCS powered Youth Employment Program and got positive results. To support women students across DBHEIs in India, DBHEI and DB-Tech initiated placement drives exclusively for women students through accenture EWS placement drive. Assam Don Bosco University, Don Bosco Golaghat, Don Bosco Narasipattinam, Don Bosco Yerwada, St Antony’s College Shillong, and Sacred Heart College Tirupattur, Don Bosco College (Co-Ed) Yelagiri Hills, Don Bosco Itanagar got benefited through this initiative.

Support Desk for DBHEIs established and various communications were carried out on a daily basis. Annual Conference & General Body Meeting 2021 Don Bosco Higher Education India Network (DBHEI) was successfully held in Siloam, Barapani, Meghalaya between November 12&13th 2021. In this annual gathering a 35 member group consisting of rectors, principals, campus ministers, and lay delegates from different provinces participated. The theme adopted for the conference was SALESIAN IDENTITY AND NETWORKING STRATEGIES. In this conference,

  • Status and Challenges of DBHEIs
  • Assessment of the Application of the Policies IUS 2016-2021- General Results South Asia
  • Policies for the Salesian Presence in Higher Education 2022-2026
  • Youth Ministry (Campus Ministry) in DB Higher Education Institutions Sharing of Best Practices and Evaluation

were discussed, analyzed, evaluated and necessary action plans were taken. The Conference proceedings consisted of Salesian HEIs details in India, were published.

Strategic collaboration between IUS & DBHEI been initiated. With the support of the IUS webportal team, Ecuador HEIs details were updated in the IUS website. Webmaster training program which was planned yet to be realized, due to the time constraints and technical snag. The DBHEI’s webportal updated and renewed to handle all the DBHEI documentation as well as subscription collection.

Fr Barnabe Governing body member took an initiative to provide free cambridge course for HEIs in India. Exclusive meeting was held with the Cambridge team during the month of July and the first phase of  the courses will be offered to HEIs in the Province of Bombay.

2. Effectiveness of DBHEI Network work – an analysis

Compared to the previous years, DBHEI showed its progress in the year 2021-2022. In terms of activities and collaboration, the network showed positive growth. In the upcoming year DBHEI network will focus on communication and collaborative works.

3. Innovative initiatives undertaken in 2021-2022

3 Major DBHEI awards were implemented during 2021-2022. Due to the pandemic Best Don Bosco Youth Parliament has not been implemented – the other two awards realized. Through the Best Entrepreneurial Innovation event, 35 unique Student ideas were mobilised. 15 faculty members shared their innovative practices in Teaching-Learning- Evaluation for the academic year.

During the November 2021 General Body Meeting to benchmark the DBHEIs towards quality, five new awards were introduced.

A. Frequent News Items (FIN)
B. Youtube Video Clippings (YOU)
C. Active DBHEI Website (WEB)
D. Best Institution Practices (BIP)
E. Best Institution Development Plan (IDP)

4. Future plan for 2022-2023

The DBHEI annual plan 2022-2023  based upon the IUS common program 2022-2026. The plan is focused on 3 major objectives.

Objective 1: Promote the application of the Policy 2022-2026.

Objective 2: Consolidate the application of the ” Orientations for Campus Ministry in the IUS”, emphasizing the vocational dimension, in such a way as to ensure the educational evangelizing processes in the different contexts of Salesian higher education.

Objective 3: Strengthen the option for the poorest young people in the context of Salesian higher education.

Various Strategic responses were created in view of achieving the objectives of the DBHEI annual plan.

National seminar on the development of Indian constitution and the contemporary challenges to the modern India

A Two days National seminar on the development of Indian constitution and the contemporary challenges to the modern India

Date: 5th & 6th March 2019
Organized by Department Of Social Work Don Bosco College – Panaji

Objectives :

To disseminate information to the participants on various aspects of Indian Constitution and the fundamental rights of its citizens.

To update the knowledge on the recent amendments made to the Indian Constitution and how it has posed contemporary challenges to modern India.

Day 1 – 5th March 2019

The chief guest Mr Rupesh Kumar Thakur (IAS ) Secretary to Governor, Goa said that freedom of India is not a gift. Separate electorate led to the partition of India.

It took 27 years 11 months and 18days to write the constitution of India and in 1950 the final draft of the constitution of India was written by Dr Ambedkar. The challenges of modern India are money power and muscle power. Mr.Thakur said that nurturing secularism helps to get rid of intolerance and Linguistic pluralism has to be nurtured. He ends this address by saying that it is the people of a country who make the constitution work.

Session 1:

 Amendments to Indian constitution and various challenges to modern India by Mr Balaji Shenoy (Archivist, Directorate of Archivist and   Archaeology, Government of Goa.)
He elaborated on the politics of defections in the backdrop of upcoming elections in India. Citing some examples from history he elaborately expressed his views on the topic.

Session 2:

 Constitutional trends:  Freedom of religion by Adv. Cleofato Coutinho Almeida. Secularism is the basic structure of the Indian constitution.
He also spoke of the state intervene in the interstate freedom of religion. Superstition and religion don’t go together. Personal law are with the consent of the sovereign and subject to fundamental right.  He ended by saying that freedom of religion is more of a progressive and liberal area. Laws should be rationalize.

Session 3:

 Constitutional and women reservation in local self-government by Ms.Seema Fernandes (Asst Director GIPARD – Goa Institute of Public Administration and rural development)Panachayati Raj system, a 3 tier system was introduced in the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act. Panchayats are institution for women empowerment, social security and Justice. There are 13.72 lac elected women reprenstation across the country. In Goa we have a 2 tier system since we have a smaller population. 39.2 percent Women Elected Representation in Goa. Significance of the act has allowed women to enter politics, participate in public spaces, public activities and human development. It’s helps to strength the governance and improves delivery services in the village panchayat.

Awareness of different committees for support for the village development. Initiatives by women sarpanchas : economic development, health and nutrition and livelihood initiatives: not to issue licence to new bars, segregation of waste , horticulture, organic farming courses  for women empowerment, public transport, IT support and health and sanitation . however women face a lot of challenges namely  knowledge gaps, lack of confidence, domination of male counterpart and change in mind sets, weak decision making, political support, domestic responsibility, prevailing cultural attitude of the role of women, rotation post, information, trust and interest deficit.

Session 4:

 Fundamental rights and modern day challenges by Fr Maverick Fernandes (Director,Caritas Goa)
The purpose of the Fundamental Right is to establish the rule of law. It gives us legal rights. Fundamental rights are justifiable and enforced to protect the dignity of an individual. Articles 24 enclose those Rights. Fundamental Right aims to restore the individual or collective interest. Fundamental Rights however also have challenges such as lack of information on Fundamental Right, adjustments make us compliance to the wrong,  no critical thinking and evaluation of choosing our representatives, decriminalization on the basis of religion, privatization in the government and citizens not casting their vote and even using NOTA.

Session 5:

 Constitution and gender equality by Adv. Albertina Almeida
Constitution is a great social document; it transfers a medieval approach to a modern approach. International law allows incorporating the constitution. The constitution ensures rights to the 3rd gender or transgender- article 14, 15, 16. Substantial equality is better benefited provision to those needed only. Special law for women like extortion like for dowry. Gender is not only Social construct but a social condition. She ended by the quote” I am what I am so take me what I am”.
Day 2 – 6th March 2019

Session 6:

 Constitution and the Independence of judiciary by Dr Saba V M Da Silva (Principal Kare College of Law) spoke about from political state to welfare state. Securing Independence of the judiciary. The Supreme Court judges are appointed by the president in order to strengthen the walls of the fortress of judiciary the recommendations of Sapru committee. The Supreme Court is the highest court. Under article 32 it exercises original jurisdiction for the enforcement of fundamental rights. Steps taken to ensure Independence of judiciary: separation of judiciary from executive, higher qualified and salary and legislature and appointment of judge by the president. Image of the judiciary: the appointment of the judges by the president is purely formal because in this matter he acts on the advice of the council of Minister. The transfer of judges of higher judiciary from high court to another also could affect the Independence and functioning in the judiciary. The collegium system: appoints judges to the nation’s constitutional courts. He concluded by saying there are many ill in the judiciary yet the judiciary remains to be the organ of the state as the most supreme.

Session 7:

 Ideology and principles underlying the Indian constitution by Adv Prabhakar Timble (former state election commission of Goa). Our constitution is a product of our history .i.e. social and economic inequality, system of birth determines your status, no women identity status, and illiteracy and caste system. The history of the British Raj gave us a system of governance. Constitution had institutionalized the political, social economic ideology.

Session 8 :

 Constitution and democracy: some underlying challenges by Rahul Tripathi (HOD Department of political science, Goa University) Challenges of a democracy are to  conduct a fair and free elections i.e. electoral democracy. There are different Institutions to safe guard our rights. Notion of participation of the citizens in a constitution. And  Implementation of and enforcement of the constitution.

Session 9:

 The new facets of the freedom of speech and the right to life by Adv Shahrukh Alam. In her thought-provoking speech she touched upon issues on Hate and Seditious speech. She stated that article 14 does not safeguard such speeches as it can be only applied between communities and not individuals of the same community.

Session 10:

 Directive principles of state policy and socio economic rights by Adv. Radharao. F. Gracias. It’s the duty of the state to keep equality of wealth. He pointed out the existing superstitions in the country and how there is a need of scientific outlook to be developed among the citizens of India.

The seminar was concluded with the closing remarks by Provincial Fr Felix Fernandes followed by the vote of thanks by Ryan Fernandes. The certificates of participation were presented to the delegates and the teachers from different institutions of Goa and India. The speakers of the two day seminar were honoured with a memento, the preamble of the Indian Constitution. The seminar registered active participation of around 50 teaching staff who came from various colleges and institutes of India.


The Department of Computer Science is organizing a Tech Fest “TECHNOVA” on march 12th,2021. There are events like Short video making, Troll making, Start up ideas that needs only your creativity.

Webinar on “Desig Thinking and Innovation” by innovation ambassador Prof. Satyesh Kakodkar

A talk on “Design Thinking and Innovation” was delivered by Mr. Satyesh Kakodkar,Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering Department and Innovation Ambassador , MoE –IIC on 6th March 2021.

In his presentation Mr. Satyesh Kakodkar , elaborated the definition of design thinking and explained the different phases of design thinking. Mr Kakodkar , explained how design thinking helps to upgrade our living standards. While explaining the different phases of design thinking, Mr. Kakodkar spoke about the methods used in each phase and how best the methods can be adopted.

Sighting different examples, he explained the role of each phase in design thinking and its link to innovation. He also spoke about importance of mind mapping and empathy map in fuelling the process of innovation. Webinar was well received by near about 160 and appreciated by near about 160 participants. Dr. Vivek Jog , Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering coordinated the event.

Knowledge Sharing Session on Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets

The Department of Computer Engineering, Don Bosco College of Engineering-Fatorda-Goa, organized its monthly Knowledge Sharing Session, under the R&D cell on March 6, 2021. The Knowledge Sharing Session initiative involves activities whose main motive is to update Faculty members with the latest trends in Technology and Research and to learn something beyond academics.

The session was taken up by Prof. Amrita Naik on “Rough Sets” and Prof. Janhavi Naik on “Fuzzy Sets” through the Google Meet platform.

Prof. Amrita Naik started the session by introducing the concept of Rough Sets in feature reduction. She then explained the terminologies such as indiscernibility, upper and lower approximation. She also explained each concept with the help of examples. She demonstrated the concepts like reducts and core which are helpful in reducing the dimensionality of features. She also explained the application of Rough sets in Data Mining and Research.

Prof. Janhavi Naik later explained about fuzzy sets. She gave an introduction to fuzzy sets and its applications. She also spoke about the comparison on Fuzzy sets and crisps sets. Different examples were given to make the topic easy to understand and compare different sets. The membership functions and characteristics were explained.

The event was coordinated by Dr. Vivek Jog. The session was indeed an interesting one and was enjoyed by all faculty members and received good feedback from the audience.

The National Science Day

The Department of Zoology, in collaboration with EcoClub celebrated the National Science Day on 1st March, 2021. The Theme for this year’s Science Day is “Future of STI: Impacts on Education, Skills, and Work”. The day-long programme commenced with a welcome address by Ms. Dhritimoni Goswami, followed by the inaugural speech by Professor JN Vishwakarma, Director, School of Life Sciences. Professor Vishwakarma fascinated the audience with his profound knowledge and advocated on the need for taking science to the masses. An Annual Calendar 2021, designed by Miss Sangeeta Das, was released by Dr. Monmoyuri Baruah, Director, School of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. 


The events conducted in the first session included Lockdown Treasury, where students’ creative forms of art during the lockdown were showcased; and Campus Bird Count 4.0: A Presentation on Avian Diversity in Assam Don Bosco University  by Miss Sangeeta Das. The campus bird count is an annual event at Assam Don Bosco University which unveils some amazing species of birds spotted on our campus. A pre-event video presentation competition, Biology for the Young ‘un, was also organised with the aim of using one’s skills in explaining everyday scientific phenomena to young minds, particularly school kids!

In the second session, a Documentary ‘Three Identical Strangers’ was featured. The celebration concluded with a note of appreciation by Miss Emma Magdalene Nonglang, Student Coordinator of the Event.