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Salesian College of Higher Education Celebrates Literary Day with Enthusiasm and Literary Excellence

The Salesian College of Higher Education (SCHE) came alive with literary fervor and cultural vibrancy as it observed Literary Day on 8th September 2023, under the theme “Celebrating Diversity through Creativity.” The event, a vibrant amalgamation of literary expressions and artistic performances, saw students and faculty members don Indian attire to celebrate the rich tapestry of literature and culture.

The Literary Day extravaganza commenced at 9:30 am with an evocative invocation song, followed by a warm welcome address delivered by Ms. Vitsino Haikam, Head of the English Department. Her words set the stage for a day filled with artistic exploration and appreciation. The festivities unfolded in a crescendo of literary passion, featuring a diverse array of competitions, including a Poetry Slam, Extempore Speech Competition, Drama performances, Solo Acts, Dance Competitions, and various forms of literary art contests. The entire program was split into two captivating parts. Dr. Inakali Assumi, a distinguished educator, researcher, and author, graced the event as the Special Guest. She delivered an inspiring speech, encouraging students to become avid readers and enthusiasts of art. Dr. Assumi emphasized the importance of embracing literature, art, culture, and history as gateways to understanding the limitless world of others. She passionately spoke about the transformative power of literature in fostering love for art and diversity. Dr. Assumi, acclaimed for her work “Yellow Dress” and recipient of the Best Objective Poetry Award for the poem “She” at the Magnus Opus Music and Art Festival 2016, left a lasting impact on the audience. Dr. Fr. Paul Punii, the principal of the institution, took the stage and exhorted students to honor the written word, authors, and the profound influence of literature on one’s life. He urged them to recognize that literary prowess is an essential quality for future leaders aspiring to make a difference in the world. Dr. Fr. Paul Punii stressed the importance of cultivating a passion for learning, nurturing innovative ideas, and harnessing the power to effect positive change in society. The Literary Day celebrations culminated with a heartfelt vote of thanks by Mr. David Diengdoh, the President of the English Department. Following this, a lively jam session featuring the college staff enthralled the audience, leaving everyone in high spirits. The Salesian College of Higher Education's Literary Day not only celebrated the art of words and expression but also instilled in its students a deeper appreciation for the cultural diversity that enriches our world. It was a day of inspiration, creativity, and literary excellence, setting a vibrant precedent for future celebrations.